Waste Land
The film “Waste Land” by Vic Muniz was an extraordinary film that revealed and proved that art can truly change peoples’ lives. In this film, Vic Muniz’s idea on taking garbage; useless or unappreciated items, and making it into art, changed not only his life in such a positive way, but it also changed the lives of 6 people and ACAMJG community. Before I move forward, a little background on Vic Muniz and how this huge project of his came to be. He was born into a working class family in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In his earlier days, he was shot in the leg and after all that commotion; he came to New York City where he worked. First he began his career as a sculptor but then gradually he became interested in photography. He became so interested in using garbage, dirt, diamonds, sugar, strings, wire and syrup as the main use in his art that he just had to travel to Brazil’s ACAMJG (the Association of Recycling Pickers of Jardim Gramacho). ...